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2018/01/25 (46)
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2018/01/28 (45)
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2017/10/25 (39)
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2017/09/22 (38)
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2017/09/28 (60)
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2017/07/05 (39)
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2017/06/01 (40)
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2017/06/04 (52)
2017/06/05 (42)
2017/06/06 (42)
2017/06/07 (59)
2017/06/08 (47)
2017/06/09 (48)
2017/06/10 (61)
2017/06/11 (50)
2017/06/12 (50)
2017/06/13 (53)
2017/06/14 (52)
2017/06/15 (62)
2017/06/16 (44)
2017/06/17 (46)
2017/06/18 (49)
2017/06/19 (48)
2017/06/20 (46)
2017/06/21 (48)
2017/06/22 (38)
2017/06/23 (46)
2017/06/24 (52)
2017/06/25 (57)
2017/06/26 (42)
2017/06/27 (52)
2017/06/28 (39)
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2017/06/30 (45)
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2017/05/03 (53)
2017/05/04 (40)
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2017/05/07 (54)
2017/05/08 (38)
2017/05/09 (37)
2017/05/10 (46)
2017/05/11 (46)
2017/05/12 (43)
2017/05/13 (46)
2017/05/14 (41)
2017/05/15 (44)
2017/05/16 (40)
2017/05/17 (45)
2017/05/18 (42)
2017/05/19 (51)
2017/05/20 (55)
2017/05/21 (51)
2017/05/22 (46)
2017/05/23 (38)
2017/05/24 (39)
2017/05/25 (38)
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2017/05/27 (55)
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2017/05/29 (47)
2017/05/30 (36)
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2017/04/01 (53)
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2017/04/04 (48)
2017/04/05 (50)
2017/04/06 (46)
2017/04/07 (48)
2017/04/08 (42)
2017/04/09 (50)
2017/04/10 (48)
2017/04/11 (46)
2017/04/12 (53)
2017/04/13 (47)
2017/04/14 (43)
2017/04/15 (47)
2017/04/16 (51)
2017/04/17 (52)
2017/04/18 (35)
2017/04/19 (48)
2017/04/20 (43)
2017/04/21 (41)
2017/04/22 (44)
2017/04/23 (43)
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2017/04/25 (47)
2017/04/26 (33)
2017/04/27 (45)
2017/04/28 (51)
2017/04/29 (45)
2017/04/30 (50)
2017/03/01 (37)
2017/03/02 (46)
2017/03/03 (48)
2017/03/04 (51)
2017/03/05 (55)
2017/03/06 (44)
2017/03/07 (49)
2017/03/08 (43)
2017/03/09 (44)
2017/03/10 (42)
2017/03/11 (54)
2017/03/12 (47)
2017/03/13 (47)
2017/03/14 (41)
2017/03/15 (45)
2017/03/16 (43)
2017/03/17 (52)
2017/03/18 (46)
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2017/03/20 (47)
2017/03/21 (49)
2017/03/22 (43)
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2017/03/24 (47)
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2017/03/26 (50)
2017/03/27 (61)
2017/03/28 (45)
2017/03/29 (37)
2017/03/30 (52)
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2017/02/01 (41)
2017/02/02 (50)
2017/02/03 (50)
2017/02/04 (49)
2017/02/05 (50)
2017/02/06 (52)
2017/02/07 (49)
2017/02/08 (41)
2017/02/09 (51)
2017/02/10 (45)
2017/02/11 (54)
2017/02/12 (28)
2017/02/13 (49)
2017/02/14 (46)
2017/02/15 (45)
2017/02/16 (53)
2017/02/17 (43)
2017/02/18 (49)
2017/02/19 (44)
2017/02/20 (43)
2017/02/21 (40)
2017/02/22 (41)
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2017/02/24 (46)
2017/02/25 (45)
2017/02/26 (45)
2017/02/27 (42)
2017/02/28 (45)
2017/01/01 (43)
2017/01/02 (53)
2017/01/03 (47)
2017/01/04 (47)
2017/01/05 (42)
2017/01/06 (42)
2017/01/07 (50)
2017/01/08 (45)
2017/01/09 (51)
2017/01/10 (48)
2017/01/11 (56)
2017/01/12 (43)
2017/01/13 (46)
2017/01/14 (47)
2017/01/15 (47)
2017/01/16 (49)
2017/01/17 (44)
2017/01/18 (42)
2017/01/19 (41)
2017/01/20 (33)
2017/01/21 (41)
2017/01/22 (55)
2017/01/23 (40)
2017/01/24 (49)
2017/01/25 (48)
2017/01/26 (48)
2017/01/27 (46)
2017/01/28 (48)
2017/01/29 (46)
2017/01/30 (46)
2017/01/31 (49)
2016/12/01 (37)
2016/12/02 (42)
2016/12/03 (47)
2016/12/04 (52)
2016/12/05 (51)
2016/12/06 (41)
2016/12/07 (47)
2016/12/08 (45)
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2016/12/10 (41)
2016/12/11 (55)
2016/12/12 (48)
2016/12/13 (50)
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2016/12/16 (46)
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2016/12/18 (44)
2016/12/19 (53)
2016/12/20 (43)
2016/12/21 (46)
2016/12/22 (49)
2016/12/23 (45)
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2016/12/25 (53)
2016/12/26 (48)
2016/12/27 (41)
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2016/12/30 (50)
2016/12/31 (42)
2016/11/01 (39)
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2016/11/09 (37)
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2016/11/13 (50)
2016/11/14 (48)
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2016/11/16 (49)
2016/11/17 (36)
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2016/11/22 (50)
2016/11/23 (46)
2016/11/24 (48)
2016/11/25 (44)
2016/11/26 (45)
2016/11/27 (54)
2016/11/28 (49)
2016/11/29 (38)
2016/11/30 (45)
2016/10/01 (48)
2016/10/02 (48)
2016/10/03 (50)
2016/10/04 (49)
2016/10/05 (56)
2016/10/06 (49)
2016/10/07 (46)
2016/10/08 (45)
2016/10/09 (48)
2016/10/10 (52)
2016/10/11 (45)
2016/10/12 (49)
2016/10/13 (44)
2016/10/14 (43)
2016/10/15 (51)
2016/10/16 (57)
2016/10/17 (48)
2016/10/18 (35)
2016/10/19 (49)
2016/10/20 (39)
2016/10/21 (49)
2016/10/22 (44)
2016/10/23 (54)
2016/10/24 (31)
2016/10/25 (37)
2016/10/26 (45)
2016/10/27 (57)
2016/10/28 (47)
2016/10/29 (45)
2016/10/30 (63)
2016/10/31 (47)
2016/09/01 (36)
2016/09/02 (40)
2016/09/03 (43)
2016/09/04 (47)
2016/09/05 (43)
2016/09/06 (32)
2016/09/07 (49)
2016/09/08 (40)
2016/09/09 (37)
2016/09/10 (44)
2016/09/11 (47)
2016/09/12 (37)
2016/09/13 (36)
2016/09/14 (40)
2016/09/15 (37)
2016/09/16 (41)
2016/09/17 (57)
2016/09/18 (40)
2016/09/19 (45)
2016/09/20 (47)
2016/09/21 (41)
2016/09/22 (43)
2016/09/23 (43)
2016/09/24 (40)
2016/09/25 (40)
2016/09/26 (35)
2016/09/27 (41)
2016/09/28 (35)
2016/09/29 (55)
2016/09/30 (50)
2016/08/01 (33)
2016/08/02 (38)
2016/08/03 (39)
2016/08/04 (35)
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